A lot of people seem to like this Hillary character. I'm not one of them. For the record, I have no problem with having a woman lead America from the Oval Office. Some might argue that she's actually done it before--the not likely the first one to wear the pants in the White House. No, my problem is with Hillary. Actually, I have little patience for Democrats who voted for military action in Iraq when they probably didn't believe it, but did what they figured they had to do to keep their jobs. Well, it is not the job of a member of the Senate to vote the way they think they should vote based upon a poll or prevailing national sentiment, if they actually think otherwise. I have even less patience for a Democrat that would try to cut funding for the war with men and women in the war zone. There are other weapons to be used in order to fight a President on a war they no longer support.
Let me say that while the war was probably going to happen at some time down the line, I don't think it was fought in the right way. No less than 300,000 troops should have been deployed at once in order to bring about security and make sure Syria and Iran didn't provide support. We didn't do it that way--in favor of shock and awe followed by a lighting quick path to Baghdad. Big mistake.
At any rate, I do not think a Democrat can win this race. There are three strong candidates in the Donkey Zone--'Bama, Edwards and Hil'. I think that the only one with a snowball's chance is Edwards. However, he is as weak as his former running mate--Senator Turkey Neck. A former Yalie with a lower GPA than the current occupant of the White House. For that reason, I think it is important for Black people to make a statement about us and politics and vote for the Negro. I don't think I understand why Black people don't vote for 'bama. If you're a Dem, and your voting in the next election, do you really think Hil' is a better choice? She's not a life long public servant. She's got only a few years on 'bama. He's an intellectual, a constitutional law professor (highest law of the land) and he's been a public servant for several years prior to his Senate run. He's got experience, he's qualified--he's way out to the left, but he's qualified. I might even want to become a Dem just to vote for him in the primary. If this were 1968, it would be a no brainer that 'bama is our choice. Just because Hil has seen the inside of a Baptist church doesn't mean she's ready for prime time. Her voting record and quotes on the war and Iran have made it clear to me that she should be seeking re-election as the junior Senator from New York. By the way, what has she done there that's so good?
On the elephant side of things, I have been hearing a lot about this Ron Paul fellow. Being a conservative, I'm going to check him out. The GOP has a pretty weak field this year. Still, I think Guiliani could beat Hil. However, that is a nightmare scenario. Rudy was a pretty insensitive mayor, and I think he will be a fairly bad President.
All in all, I'm pretty dissapointed with the options thus far. However, I suggest that we all examine the candidates, seek God's wisdom and get out and vote. Also, I ask that no one take it personally that I disagree with your position. I'm a conservative Black Man. I disagree with a lot of people. It's OK. That's why God put brains into each of our heads--so we could think for ourselves.
Peace and Love.
Applause, applause, applause. At least you didn't actually say that you are Republican. But if it talks like an elephant, walks like and elephant, then chances are it is an elephant :) I know things change in this world, but there are some things that are constant and that's the Republican attitude that rules this coutnry now. It's in sad shape because of the current Republican machine that's in office. I truely hope that you are wrong about the Dem's not winning this election. The phoney's running on the Repub's side are scarey almost but not quite as scary as the low IQ in office now. I feel for the troops in Iraq put there by Repub's and still there because of them. When Dems ask for troop withdrawls and no funding it's to help not harm the troops. The only peace that we will ever see in the middle east is when Jesus returns, GW and no one else will solve their problems. But....many people are being killed to line the pockets of rich people in america. So sad. Ron WHO? that would be a lost vote, in fact it probably would help the Dem's in November, so please cast your vote for him. But as you say we all have a right to our own opinions I just pray that your's is not right. Hee Haww................sp
Thanks for the comments. Opinions welcome! Even those from left of center. America--ain't it great!
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